Moreover, management expects gross margin to remain under pressure in Vibram Five Fingers Bikila coming quarters. Family Dollar operates in a highly competitive discount retail merchandise sector. The company faces stiff competition from Wal-Mart Stores (NYSE: WMT) and Dollar Men's Vibram Five Fingers Classic in Blue Corporation (NYSE: DG), which will likely continue to weigh on its results. The competitors have larger number of stores, greater market presence, brand recognition, and financial resources. Further, the company's customers remain sensitive to macroeconomic factors including interest rate hikes, increase in fuel and energy costs, credit availability, unemployment levels, and high household debt levels, which may Men's Vibram Five Fingers Classic in Brown/Walnut impact their discretionary spending, and in turn, the company's growth and profitability. However, Family Dollar's strategic initiatives to enhance the merchandising, marketing, Men's Vibram Five Fingers Classic in Grey/Black/Brown store operations have resulted in persistent growth in the top and bottom lines.
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