But it will also aim for the local market, offering training programs similar to other stores around town. Mind Body Links of London Bee Charm Sole, a new store being tested in several markets by Famous Footwear, also opened recently in Florida Mall and offers treadmills for runners to test shoes. Links of London Big Apple Charm footwear make up the "most significant" part of the company's business, a spokeswoman said in an e-mail. As stores catering to runners continue to open, Bartos of Fleet Feet anticipates the market will grow even more. "We're just bringing more awareness of running and fitness and walking to the community," she said. The closures were characterized in the announcement as "a precaution" due to salt on shoes tracked in during Links of London Big Rock 'Diamond' Ring Charms that was accelerating the deterioration of floor tile, said School District spokeswoman Sara Thompson. Concerns Links of London Black & Orange Friendship Bracelet disturbing asbestos in floor tiles forced St. Louis Park Junior and Senior High Schools to close late Monday morning, the district announced. Both schools will remain closed Tuesday.
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